News & Announcements

2022 Granite United Way Advocate Award

i Aug 22nd by

We are honored to be the recipients of Granite United Way’s award!

GUW writes:

Granite United Way’s ADVOCATE Award is presented to individuals/companies/organizations who have demonstrated a strong commitment to advocating for social change. We presented the 2022 ADVOCATE Award to the Kingswood Youth Center in Wolfeboro, NH for their commitment to improving the lives of children and families, and their long-time agency partnership and collaboration in the Central Region. Thank you, Kingswood Youth Center, for all you do for our community!

Some community members responded with the following comments:

“Kudos! You have great programs and caring and enthusiastic staff. Thank you for all you do for our youth and community.”

“You guys are so deserving of this award ? This is my middle child’s first summer joining the youth center and he absolutely loves it. I love your activities, outings, and the community outreach you do. Great job! Thank you for all that you guys do!”

“Thanks, Granite United Way, for acknowledging this terrific organization that serves the youth in southern Carroll County.”